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The Group of Comparative Studies in Interculturality is one of the four branches of the Section of Comparative Education at the Portuguese Society of Educational Science. The GCSI proposes wide notions of ‘interculturality’ which encompass the diverse nature and the various perceptions of the multicultural, intercultural and transcultural elements of life and society. While the approach in comparative studies is educational, involving arts and politics, it also targets the ethical and aesthetic aspects of material and non-material resources. Interdisciplinary relationships are explored between Education (including sociology, politics and philosophy of education) and intercultural studies in such areas as applied sociolinguistics, literature, anthropology, ethnomusicology, tourism, theatre and art in general. It is the Group’s mission to carry out inter- and intra-ethnic, national and other, comparative studies by means of critical intercultural approaches to education. We also aim to explore new possibilities of intercultural analysis within the scope of comparative studies and to further boost the critical analysis of research methodologies by introducing an intercultural perspective. Finally, the Group of Comparative Studies in Interculturality aims to test new methodologies which respond to the challenges of intercultural research.

The main topics of research proposed by the Group of Comparative Studies in Interculturality are the following:

- Cosmopolitan citizenship and critical interculturality in education;

- Comparative studies of cultural politics in intercultural education;

- Intercultural approaches to comparative analysis of results in international projects in education;

- Intercultural design and implementation of research methodologies;

- Plurilingualism and intercultural education;

- Professional development and lifelong learning in Intercultural Education;

- Media, ICT and intercultural communication;

- Art and Intercultural Education.